College definition:
– Since the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and because the march of science does not stop, the administration of NUI University has reached a decision to accredit the Faculty of Graduate Studies; The presence of the Faculty of Graduate Studies in any educational institution is a source of its strength and a basis for its spread.
– The postgraduate stage comes after the completion of the first university degree program (Bachelor’s), and the college is at the forefront of its various departments: diploma, master’s, doctorate, a solid position that attracts all researchers and those interested in scientific and career advancement alike.
– The College of Postgraduate Studies is distinguished from other colleges in that it gives the student the opportunity to delve into the research, as he feels that he is an author and an innovator in his specialization, as the certificate of passing in it is not granted unless the researcher presents a thesis that brings something new in the field of study.
– So the idea of postgraduate studies was at NUI University, and the remarkable thing was that the student enrolled in one of the undergraduate programs could complete his scientific educational career by moving to the threshold of postgraduate studies at the same university; For the convenience of the student.
– The college’s internationalism and its strong competition with the prestigious colleges through the educational system it offers to the research student.
– Upgrading postgraduate programs by deepening scientific research skills on the one hand, and developing the local community on the other hand.
– A strong scientific introduction, and comprehensive cognitive preparation of students in various fields.
– Seeking to raise the name of the university high in the edifices of knowledge spread throughout the earth.
– Equipping students with critical thinking skills and comprehensive scientific research strategies.
– Adding new elements and attaching the character of modernity to the college’s specializations by keeping abreast of the tremendous developments in the field of technology and education.
– Shortening the distances between the student researcher and his access to knowledge by providing open learning programs.
– Graduating human cadres capable of thinking deeply about all aspects of matters, to contribute to the advancement of their societies.
– Developing authentic values in the hearts of research students, which enable them to provide service to their countries in an authentic and solid manner.
– Perfection.
– Excellence.
– Moderation.
– Credibility.
– Sincerity in knowledge and work.
– Community Engagement.
– Positive thinking.
– Effectiveness.
Study system and college departments:
A diploma is considered a postgraduate degree, and the study system is for one academic year with a maximum of 14 months, and it is not required to submit a research thesis.
The university grants diplomas in various academic and professional disciplines, including:
– General Diploma: in various specializations of the university
– Professional Diploma: in the following programs
—Computer Programming
– Programming and maintaining mobile phones
– Electronic Applications Industry
– The art of e-marketing
– Content Industry
– Engineering of modern office machines
– The student can pass one of the diploma sections after achieving success in the various courses within the time period indicated in the university calendar.
– The university grants a master’s degree in various offered university disciplines according to the following conditions:
– Obtaining a bachelor’s degree with a general average of at least 75%
– Proof of English language proficiency in majors taught in English.
– An undertaking that the student will complete an English language course while studying majors that are not taught in English.
– As for the academic system, the student can choose the regular plan, which lasts for four semesters with a maximum of 24 months, which will be crowned with a research thesis.
– Or in the open system by passing the academic courses over the course of four semesters as well, and it can be shortened to less than that sometimes, and the discussion is for the research thesis from a distance.
Master’s degree without a research thesis:
– The student can take two diploma programs, and after achieving graduation degrees in them, the two certificates will be equalized and a master’s degree will be obtained.
– The university grants a doctorate degree in various offered university specializations according to the following conditions:
– Obtaining a master’s degree with a general average of at least 75%
– Proof of English language proficiency in majors taught in English, and the certification standard varies according to the specialization, whether the language of instruction is Arabic or English.
– As for the academic system, the student can choose the regular plan, which lasts for four semesters with a maximum of 30 months, which will be crowned with a research thesis.
– Or in the open system by passing the academic courses over the course of four semesters as well, and it can be shortened to less than that sometimes, and the discussion is for the research thesis from a distance.
Study Language:
The university adopts the Arabic and English languages in teaching the courses of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, based on the nature of the specialization and the language that was taught during the undergraduate level.
Recognition and Accreditation:
The student researcher, after passing all the requirements for success, will obtain his academic degree certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs He can add another attestation from a foreign ministry other than his country.